Artist of garbage amazing art with littering,
Amazing artist of garbage,
I have always been interested in garbage and interest in littering. So I am a world known artist of garbage, What it says about us. What in there embarrasses us, and what we can’t bear to part with. Where it goes and how much of it there is. How it endures. What it might be like to work with it every day. I read about one woman’s crusade to show her appreciation for all the sanitation workers in New York by hugging each of them, and I applauded the sentiment and yet there had to be some other way for me to show my appreciation. So I am a big and well know artist of garbage.
Then when I was a graduate film student at NYU, I started training with the Triathlon Club. As we endured the most grueling 6 AM workouts imaginable, I bonded with fellow triathlete Robin Nagle, a brilliant professor who was teaching about garbage. Listening to Robin talk about her work was so fascinating that I began sitting in on her Ph.D seminar, and loved deepening my thinking about the sociology and implications and revelations and actuality of garbage.
These are my some garbage artist bellow,
Here’s another interesting thing Vic Muniz like to experiment with: taking famous old master works and re-engineering them with foun material like garbage,
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