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Faster than jet called "Hyperloop",

Hyperloop vs jet,

Hyperloop style system,

Congested Dubai is looking to the future with a radical new mass transit system able to carry passengers at speeds faster than some airliners.

It may seem like science fiction, but the city plans to host an international competition in September, where designs will be invited for a system that uses a pipeline to propel people and goods in capsules.
Known as a "Hyperloop" link, electric propulsion moves the capsule, or autonomous vehicle, along the pipe in a low pressure environment, to reach speeds of at least 740 miles (1,200 km) per hour unprecedented for a ground based system.

Future of transportation,

And now, Dubai is seeking someone "to shape the future of transportation" by designing a similar transport system that would take people from Dubai to the emirate of Fujairah on the opposite side of the Arabian peninsula in just 10 minutes.

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