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Friendly teaching tips for every teachers,

Teacher behavior

A teacher should be a familiar and friendlier. Make yourself as parents and work hard. Keep smile on your face and ask them foolish question which has no answer. Make some joke to refresh the child before telling the important things. 

Friendly teaching tips

Be calm and smooth before the children because they are our future. Stop the lecture before ending the period and take them rest for 5 minutes and live the class 2 minutes ago before ending period.

friendly teaching tips
Friendly teaching tips for the teachers

1. Knowledge of your subject

The best teachers have a deep knowledge of their subject, and if that falls below a certain point it has a “significant impact” on students’ learning.

2. Praise can do more harm than good

The wrong kind of praise can be harmful for students, if a pupil’s failure was met with sympathy rather than anger then they were more likely to think they had done badly due to a lack of ability.The report adds the caveat that the findings are open to interpretation, however, as teachers can do things well or badly, and some methods are not appropriate in all circumstances.

3. Teacher beliefs count

The reasons why teachers do certain things in the classroom and what they hope to achieve has an effect on student progress. Mike Askew, the author of Effective Teachers of Numeracy, found that beliefs about the nature of maths and what it means to understand it, along with teachers ideas. 

4. Think about teacher-student relationships

This may also seem obvious, but the interactions teachers have with students has a big impact on learning – as well as the “classroom climate.

5.Build relationships with colleagues and parents

A teacher’s professional behaviour, including supporting colleagues and talking with parents, also had a moderate impact on students’ learning. The report said that there may not be a direct link with these practices and student achievement, but to capture a broad definition of good teaching they should be included.

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