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New building in London, London is racing toward sky,

Largest building in the world,

LONDON In the last two decades, London has forged a reputation as the technology capital of Europe and as a global capital of the fashion technology sector a competitor to New York and Silicon Valley, where creative, commercial and digital talent thrives in a single cosmopolitan place. Some of the biggest names in the fashion industry, especially in e commerce such have headquarters in the British capital.
If inter-war Britain had a distrust of soaring towers like the art dico Senate House that shot up in Coward's day, London's modern city planners are in the midst of a passionate love affair.

CNN report of raising building,

Largest building in the world,

or modern cities, building huge skyscrapers has become a competition, according to London-based architect Barbara Weiss.
"Around the world, everybody is building taller and taller, Weiss tells CNN. Cities like Dubai use tall buildings to create a new identity for themselves.

New style of London building,

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